Online Pole Dancing Coaching

Available via Zoom

The wonder of modern technology means you can access your favourite pole dancers from anywhere in the world. No longer do you need to travel to gain the expertise of your chosen instructors. Instead, benefit from their online coaching, all from the comfort of your own home.

You can already explore my workshop content and tutorials via the TeamUp on-demand section. However, if you are looking for tailored and personalised guidance and mentoring, then connecting with me for online coaching is how you can benefit most from my expertise.

pole dancing online lessons

Why choose online pole dance coaching?

The landscape of pole instructing changed during the lockdowns of 2020-2021, with many instructors turning to online as a viable teaching platform. Many pole students opened their minds to the possibility and benefits of remote learning, finding it enhanced their pole journeys.

There are many benefits to learning pole dancing online, including:

  • Working with your favourite pole dancers wherever they are based
  • Developing certain skill sets or techniques that may not be accessible from your local pole market
  • Enjoying the flexibility of online and remote teaching
  • Taking time to digest the information, and revisit the content multiple times

With coaching, the benefits are enhanced by the 1-on-1 knowledge that your instructor can provide. Whilst online tutorials are excellent and accessible, nothing quite compares to the support you gain from bespoke coaching.

Together we can:

  • Review your progress by watching your training videos
  • Give you specific, actionable feedback
  • Record your feedback for you to revisit and reappraise
  • Create a personalised plan around your specific goals

Why choose me as your pole coach?

Call me Hercules Poirot, because I’m the Pole Detective ready to get my ‘little grey cells’ working to identify exactly how YOU can elevate your pole progress.

As a Virgo, I am blessed with a few valuable skills:

  • I have ‘X-ray pole vision’, ready to spot little details that other people miss
  • I can work out how to ‘perfect’ your skills, smoothing out combos and creating fluid flow
  • My feedback is thorough, practical, and actionable

My key areas of expertise are pole competitions, flow, choreography, and troubleshooting issues in tricks and combos.

I take pole students and support them in becoming great movers. I have an ability to watch a poler and see what it is they need to do to improve their fluidity, flow, and execution of movements. I am able to pinpoint problems and identify what needs to be changed to help you reach your goals.

None of this is level specific, and I believe being an excellent mover is not connected to your tricks ability. I can support you in perfecting your skills and finding excellence at your level whether you are a beginner or more advanced pole dancer.

If you’re looking to improve your movement on the floor, round the base of the pole, or up the pole in your tricks, I can support you in achieving these goals.

The great thing about working with me online is that I can watch your videos multiple times to ensure I detect exactly what needs working on, and the best way for you to apply these changes. We can work together to maximise your progress and provide you with the feedback you need to see real results in your pole skills.

What are YOUR goals?

Students come to me with a variety of goals for their training.

  • Choreographing, refining, and elevating pole performances and competition pieces
  • Working on nemesis moves
  • Smoothing out combos and transitions
  • Skill acquisition in flow and dance

I recommend that you choose one specific goal or purpose to your training with me when we book a package.

Some goals may be overlapping. For example, improving your combos and transitions may be a part of your pole competition progress. Keeping yourself focused in one area will, however, help you to maximise your time with me and get the most out of our sessions together.

Ready to elevate your pole training? 

The online coaching package costs £250 and includes 4 x 45-minute Zoom / video call sessions, plus additional support:

  • Weekly email support for questions, help, and feedback on videos taken at home / at your home studio
  • Written resources and documents 
  • Extra time spent by me outside of your video calls, such as putting together choreography, research and development, or problem solving 

Online video calls will not provide demoing of choreography or moves live but will provide live feedback on your pole work where possible. Zoom calls can be tailored to you, depending on if you have an accessible pole or not. We can also ‘screen share’ to watch videos together to provide feedback that way. Choreography and move feedback with video demonstration can be provided via video during weekly email support.  

Packages are valid for 2 months, so you can take your 1-2-1 sessions as you wish within that period and receive additional support over that timeframe.  

Want to experience the benefits of my approach before buying?

Try my Video Feedback Service from £15!