Flexibility Classes Wirral

Looking for a stretching class in Wirral?

We offer an accessible session where you can work on your flexibility with the support of a chilled out, friendly community. 

Classes are Sundays at 5pm – 1-hour long 

£9 PAYG or use as part of your class pack.

What Is Flexibility?

Flexibility is defined as the maximum Range of Motion that can be achieved at a certain joint, such as the hip or shoulder. It relates to how far you can move a joint and hold that position. One muscle will relax or stretch, whilst the other will engage, in order to achieve this. Your individual flexibility will depend on various factors, including: 



  • Your natural flexibility, and whether you have any conditions such as hypermobility 
  • The health and condition of the muscles, ligaments and joints 
  • Whether you are assessing static, active or dynamic flexibility

What Do Flexibility Classes Involve?

At Feelin’ Peachy our Wirral based flexibility sessions are 1-hour a week of focused work to improve your overall flexibility, with particular attention on the legs, hips and lower back, for those looking to achieve middle and front splits. 

Our approach includes a mixture of proven flexibility techniques that will safely build your skills, including: 


  • Static stretching 
  • Strength and conditioning 
  • Active flexibility work 

For general health most people should stretch and strengthen for passive and active flexibility 3 times per week, so our weekly class is perfect for those who wish to start a flexibility regime. The majority of the exercises we teach in class are also suitable for doing at home, if you wish to expand your routine to maximise the benefits. 


Do I Already Need To Be Somewhat Flexible?

You do NOT need any previous stretching experience, or any natural flexibility, to enjoy these sessions. They are open level, and we encourage you to take the exercises at your own pace. 

We also assess each individual to make sure that the work you are doing in class is beneficial and safe. 

Most people can safely work towards front splits. For some middle splits are more challenging due to hip structure, but the health benefits of back, hip and pelvis stretches make these sessions just as worthwhile for everyone. 

For those with hypermobility, the strength and conditioning portion of the class will prove essential to supporting their joints to safely move through their heightened range of motion. 

    What Are The Benefits of Being More Flexible?

    • Better posture and relief of posture related issues 
    • Pain management 
    • Rest and relaxation 
    • Better sleep quality 
    • Daily function and ability in routine tasks 
    • Reduced DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) 
    flexibility classes wirral

    You will have greater: 

    FLEXIBILITY – Your Range of Motion will improve, benefiting your health and wellbeing 

    FREEDOM – Discover how much better it feels for your body to move with ease and suppleness 

    POWER – Find your strength improving, giving you greater agility and energy 

    What Do I Need to Bring?

    You will need: 

    • Comfortable, warm clothing in layers that you can remove as you warm up 
    • Water to stay hydrated 
    • A cloth or towel to wipe yourself if you need 

    Ready to Get Bendy With Us?

    Join us Sundays at 5:00-6:00pm.

    £9 Pay-As-You-Go or purchase a pack under Memberships.